Purely Poetry last night: you guys were awesome, arriving at the new time at 8.30pm... we had very personal poems about all types of mental health, great to hear men writing those poems; co-host Geraldine O'Kane cried at a poem! We explored politics, love, cottages in Donegal, loss, self reflection, family and the legacy of Craig David (eek) and text speak and topics in-between.
Be proud of the way you listen and support one another as an audience and a community. We love the respect you share for one another as poets and humans, all helping create a space where you can share your words safely and still have the craic. We are honoured each month to be part of that. We hope you are too. Many thanks to our readers from last night: Colm Bradley, Nathan Elout-Armstrong, Vincent Creelan, Ona Harris, Robert Wilson, David Smylie, Matthew Rice, Elizabeth McGeown, Thomas Elliott, John Mc Guckin, Zakk Appleyard, Dave Wilson, Stephen Douglas, Savannah Dodd, Lesley Martin, Mark Cooper, Anthony Ferguson, Chris Jenkins, Neil Gardner, Emma Devlin, Ivona Coghlan, Gilbert Ignacio and William Donnelly. Also, a huge shout out to regular reader David Braziel, we missed you and all at PP wishes you a speedy recovery. We are back on 3rd June for more open mic goodness, and our annual Belfast Book Festival Poetry Slam on 18th June... more details soon! Comments are closed.
February 2023