1. Without you there is a world with a place in it for me.
A nook not part of my being, that says put on your galoshes and pirouette for me, pretty ballerina.
31. Driving in the wrong headspace; what if the breaks weren't applied?
38. Axe grinder, I urge: work meagrely on my right temple, for you may burn out, die. I wake each morning, the worst yet.
42. The moment we met your heart whispered I will go the extra mile without hesitation or fear; mine resonated back.
69. Mother didn't give birth to a comedian, she lost control and brandished a poet.
92. Arresting blue, shadows yip and heap inside, I'll be dead when they are done.
Life is made of little moments.
With five chapters of over ninety micro-poems, 'Quick Succession' captures nougats of love, family, pain, travel and randomness.
Brief, but never short of power, these poems assure us that we are never alone in our experience of the world and the emotions it brings out in us.
Geraldine O’Kane is originally from County Tyrone. She has been writing poetry since her teens, and has had numerous poems published in journals, e-zines and anthologies such as BareBack Lit, FourXFour, Illuminated Poetry Ireland, Poetry Super Highway and more.
Geraldine is a regular reader at the Purely Poetry open mic nights in Belfast. She has previously been part of a local writing group at the Craic Theatre, and has performed some of her work in local theatres and at the Dungannon Borough Council Arts Festival. Her poetry is mostly inspired by observation and the human condition. She specialises in micropoetry. She held her first solo exhibition in the 2013 Belfast Book Festival, using art, dance and music to interpret micropoetry centred around the theme of relationships and decay.